The Undoing of Arlo Knott
What if your life had an ‘undo’ button?
Out now from Orbit Books (Little, Brown)
How would you like the power of hindsight?
As superpowers go, it would be a pretty handy one to have right now, as the world kicks us from one craziness to the next…
Undo your mistakes
With an ‘undo’ button for life, you need never live with consequences again.
No regrets
Regret is one of the most feared emotions – go to your deathbed free and easy.

Impress your friends
Be a hero without breaking a sweat. Get the girl.
Try everything
No matter how outrageous, every experience is yours for the taking.
“A triumph” – GUARDIAN

When the algorithm knows you better than you know yourself…
Forget exam results – what happens when algorithms are mapping out your entire life? If you dare to diverge from the advice of your personal assistant, you risk getting really, really lost…
In Everything About You (Orbit, 2018) Freya has a new virtual assistant. It knows what she likes, knows what she wants and knows whose voice she most needs to hear: her missing sister’s…
Exquisitely plausible and insidiously chilling
– M. R. Carey, author of The Girl With All the Gifts
the author
Heather Child
Heather Child is based in Bristol, and previously lived in the Midlands after studying at the University of Warwick. Alongside writing she has had an eclectic career in marketing and communications, working for various charities, with a particular interest in sustainability.
Her two novels are published by Orbit (Little, Brown). She is a prize-winning short story writer and her work has been widely published – find it in Mslexia, Under the Radar, various Storgy anthologies, HerCircle, the Bristol Post, the Big Issue and Notes from the Underground online.
Check out her books at Waterstones, Amazon, The Guardian Bookshop & Forbidden Planet or support independent bookshops at*.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library“
Jorge Luis Borges
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