The Data Age

Overload like never before

How much data is generated in one day?

A million times more information than the human brain is capable of holding (over 2.5 quintillion bytes¹). More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire history of the human race. (Forbes)

Privacy is so passé

Computer vision is advancing all the time and machines can not only recognise your face, but work out from your expression how you might be feeling. Are you paying attention at school? Were you bored during the movie? Soon there will be no hiding your true feelings from the cloud, tissuesand a sad face could mean that box of tissues costs a little more…

Artificial Intelligence

Computer personal assistants are already intrinsic to many businesses. We don’t quite know how to deal with automated receptionists – should we be polite out of habit, or will we lose the habit of politeness? Will we become accustomed to the idea that many functional roles are taken by robots, and start treating the dwindling number of humans in those roles with lackadaisical contempt?

What is the point of reality?

When virtual reality becomes so real it is indistinguishable from everyday life, what will be the difference? In this brilliant article, argues that real life resists our desires, whereas virtual reality is designed to satisfy them. What will humans become if we can live in a world virtual reality visorthat bends to our every whim? Why Pokémon Go is a game-changer for us all (Guardian)


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